Colin Montgomerie charged up the leaderboard at the Scottish Open to a T6th Finish just a few weeks after working with eye-dominance Putting Guru Steve Feeney at the US Open Qualifiers and Celtic Manor for the Welsh Open. Monty put in a fine putting performance in the Johnnie Walker Championship, helping him to one of his best finishes since his 2nd Place finish in the 2008 French Open when he was also working with Feeney on his Putting.
Scottish golfers dominated the headlines everywhere as Monty’s compatriot Stephen Gallacher, who has also enlisted Feeney’s expertise again in his quest for a Ryder Cup place in 2014, delivered a stunning display of putting, chipping and long-game accuracy.
SightRight ‘sighting & alignment’ expert and Putting guru Feeney said “Stevie Gallacher is an awesome talent. He is yet to really stamp his mark on Tour with the multiple Wins I believe he is capable of, however all this will change soon. Stevie desperately wants to make the 2014 Ryder Cup Team and we are working on his accuracy across his whole game – driving, long & short iron play and putting to help deliver the results needed.”
“Everyone knows Stevie is a great ball striker, however his accuracy to the Tee, particularly if on the right side of the Green, has tended to leave him with too many medium & long distance Putts in his Rounds. Improvements in accuracy in his iron play, chipping and putting were clear to see at Gleneagles where 28, 25 & 22 Putts, plus 2 awesome chip-ins put him into strong contention and 3rd place at the start of day 4, with an eventual T6th finish. Stevie has proven ability in shooting low scores to course records and he knows how to Win as the former 2004 Dunhill Links Champion. When working together before, he finished R/Up in the 2006 Quinn Direct British Masters and delivered many Top 10 performances so, with good grace and a fair wind, there are exciting times ahead for him and hopefully a Ryder Cup place in 2014. Watch this space.”
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